Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Recently, Ella has started using the word "critters" at least a couple dozen times a day. I think she has us confused with the Clampetts.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


My latest Ella quote: "I don't want this. It doesn't have enough fiber in it."

Monday, September 13, 2010


Today, Ella has been refusing to speak English. Instead, she's insisting on ONLY speaking in fish. "Bloop, bloop" (That's fish for "It's going to be a very long day.")

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I just asked Ella if she wanted to go to the bank and to pick up Cole from soccer practice. "YAY! I'll put on my shoes!" My response? "How about you put on your pants first?" To that, she politely exclaimed, "But Mom, I don't really need pants." That's my girl!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


This momma has eaten the same pretend sandwich at least 15 times in the last half hour. And each time, Ella insists that I think of a new way to show my extreme pleasure in "eating" an egg sandwich made of fake felt food. It's cute and all, but does anyone else want a turn at this game? I'll send her your way!