Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9-13-11 (earlier in the day)

Ella: "Mommy, is pee pee like a germy waterfall?"
Me: "Well, umm... Urine is actually sterile, but... well..."
Ella: "I don't get it."
Me: "Yeah. Me neither. So, yes. Pee pee is like a germy waterfall."


Today, Ella walked into the shared preschool bathroom, was confused by what she saw, and then ran out to proclaim to all who would listen that she saw a little stick with pee pee coming out of it. So then, of course, I have to listen to the retelling of this story with a straight face in front of the teacher when I pick her up. AND have a talk with Ella about it. AND listen to her go on and on about how she just does NOT understand what pee and sticks have to do with each other. Jealous yet?

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Forgot to post yesterday (better late than never): I was in the middle of a really intense conference call with a client who was having email troubles. Ella's solution to bring levity to the phone call? You know... in the MIDDLE of the call. Yodeling, if course.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Things I never thought I'd have to say: "Ella, I don't care what cats do. You are not allowed to lick your feet."